Teaching work skills with Mindsets! Empower students’ future!
This year, San Diego Unified School District ran a Mindsets Entrepreneurship Summer Program using Mindsets Challenges and Projects. Students engaged over a 4-week period, learning entrepreneurship skills through math.
The Challenges and Projects were selected to focus on branding, building a business, being a boss, and Shark Tank, all made possible through Mindsets project-based learning solutions and AI-driven assessment.
Students at San Diego Unified, one of the largest school districts in California, have realized significant learning growth in 2024: 77% of students previously in the Not Met assessment levels shifted to Met or Exceeded categories in just four weeks!
Mindsets is the leading data-driven Project Based Learning provider, with customized and flexible programs from 1 week to all year round to suit school district needs.
To learn more, contact our Head of Education, Aubrey Escobar — aubrey@mindsets.com