Meet Mindsets at the Washington Association for Bilingual Education 28–30 April, Bellevue Washington


An event poster with the Washington Association for Bilingual Education logo and the Mindsets logo. Connect with Mindsets. 28–30 April. Conference topics include: Real-world math for language learners. How to measure impact? Communicating reasoning. Literacy in math. Join Dr Samore’s session on: Your diversity is not my diversity.

Meet the award-winning all-star Mindsets team at the WABE conference! We’ll be discussing how to bring joy and inclusive practices in bilingual and multilingual math classrooms. Learn how students authentically collaborate across any number of 100+ languages through a Mindsets Challenge.

Contact us to set up your free consultation.

Learn more about WABE‘s Conference at



Mindsets Learning
Mindsets Learning

Written by Mindsets Learning

Spark students’ creativity & develop reasoning skills through a curriculum of authentic, real world problems and projects for K12 Math & Science.

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